Sultana actress Winnie Bwire shares details about her battle with Breast C****r

By , K24 Digital
On Sat, 5 Aug, 2023 17:04 | 3 mins read
Kenyan actress Winnie Bwire. PHOTO/Winnie(@bwirendubi)/Instagram
Kenyan actress Winnie Bwire. PHOTO/Winnie(@bwirendubi)/Instagram

Kenyan actress Winnie Bwire, popularly known as Dida, has shared her personal journey in fighting breast cancer.

In an interview with YouTuber Lynn Ngugi, she revealed the toll that the revelation of her diagnosis took on her, as she struggled to balance her health, work commitments, and family responsibilities.

Winnie recalled how she began to notice alarming symptoms but was initially unaware of their significance.

"I started noticing my hand was swelling I told Dan about it, you're always told the signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer are matiti kutoa pus, blood, or kupata pimple, but those are the last symptoms. I used to get fatigued, and I would wake up telling Dan that I'm exhausted, but I just thought it was because of work," she recounted.

As the symptoms persisted and new ones emerged, Dida sought medical attention.

"During my periods, my underarm was twitching, and I felt like I could feel my heartbeat, then the second month my period came and ended, but the pain remained," she said.

She revealed that she got concerned and consulted a doctor who performed a scan, but the initial results appeared normal.

However, the pain persisted, leading to further investigations, including a CT scan and a biopsy. Eventually, the diagnosis was confirmed.

"We were at a place where we don't have jobs, Dan had a job by then, but the journey of cancer is a whole expensive journey that needs a lot of funds, and I was in denial," she said.

"I googled the results before I took them to the doctor, and I didn't understand the terms, the doctor breaks the news of my cancer, and remember I had googled, and I'm a solution-oriented person, I remember even telling the doctor what we should do suggesting what I had read on Google" she shared.

Adding: "I was in pain, I could not tell anyone, our family members didn't know except for our parents, Dan and I went through it alone, I didn't want anyone to know I didn't want a pity party, so Dan said I needed to go for Chemo, saying I'd rather we take the side effects than lose you, my mom said in a family group about my condition and they would ask why I would go through that alone, they started fundraising, sending me money, they made a down payment of Ksh63,000,"

She explained how she had to bury her head at work to keep from thinking about her condition.

"My work fueled me, and I channelled all my anger into the work, I lost so much weight, and people were cyberbullying me. They didn't know what I was going through," she recalled.

She recalled how she got online hate that further made her condition worsen citing that they did not spare her just like they did Chadwick Boseman when he was battling cancer.

"People used to say how dark I was, and how ugly I am and I had lost so much weight, it was a very dark moment for me," she recounted.

The actress acknowledged how she found unwavering support from her ex-fiance and family who stood by her side every step of the way.

Kenyan actress and ex-fiance Dan Sonko. PHOTO/Facebook
Kenyan actress Winnie Bwire and ex Dan Sonko. PHOTO/Facebook

Winnie emphasized the importance of health insurance, particularly NHIF as it may come in handy when you least expect it.

She also urged people to be mindful of their diet and lifestyle choices, as they profoundly impact overall well-being.

In a bid to raise awareness about healthy eating and disease management, Dida announced her upcoming documentary, which promises to cover a wide range of health-related topics.

Winnie and Dan Breakup

The actress also revealed that she and Dan broke up but still remain to be good friends who care for each other.

"Dan and I are really in a good place. We are not together anymore, but he is my friend. This person has seen me through a difficult time in my life. He has walked me through some of my own, and I have walked him through others," she explained.

Despite their split, Winne made it clear that they continue to hold each other in high regard and cherish their friendship.

"As much as people would want to focus on that situation from a negative point of view after going through my heart, I sit here and say he is my friend," Bwire revealed during the interview.

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