‘I lost my first child to gestational diabetes’ – Auntie Jemimah

By , K24 Digital
On Thu, 23 May, 2024 13:05 | 2 mins read
Popular content creator and comedian Auntie Jemimah. PHOTO/@auntie_jemimah/Instagram
Popular content creator and comedian Auntie Jemimah. PHOTO/@auntie_jemimah/Instagram

Kenyan Radio host Auntie Jemimah has revealed some interesting facts about her life, disapproving of any misleading information about the loss of her child.

During a recent interview, she openly talked about losing her baby to gestational diabetes, a form of high blood sugar that affects pregnant women.

She got pregnant with her first child in February 2021, and though it was unplanned, Jemimah said she was excited to become a mother.

According to Jemimah, her pregnancy was very smooth and she never had any complications until when her water broke at 34 weeks.

“Physically I was okay, I never had any morning sickness, and my water broke before 40 weeks. I had to go to the hospital and I was told there was no fetal activity. I broke down because I had so many questions about why God allowed me to carry and take her away 6 weeks shy of the full term,” Jemimah said.

Healing process

Despite enduring so much pain from the experience, the new mother revealed that doctors advised her to try conceiving again and luckily enough, she got blessed with a second child. 

Jemimah disclosed that her newborn baby was her best gift, saying she was perfect.

“The doctors advised us that if we wanted to conceive again, it was best to try immediately since the birth hormones are still active, and it helps somehow fill the void. The new baby does not replace the other one, but it helps you with the healing process,” Jemimah added.

Popular content creator and comedian Auntie Jemimah.
Popular content creator and comedian Auntie Jemimah. PHOTO/@auntie_jemimah/Instagram

Dealing with child loss

Though the death of her child was painful, Jemimah recalled that it came as a confirmation of many things, one being her feminine side, which became more alive after birth.

Additionally, Jemimah also explained that she has come to realize three certain facts about life and death as a result of her journey of child loss including how to accept death and the surety of it, acknowledging that death will come at any point and any age and that the loss of her child enabled her to start being more vocal on issues regarding maternal health.

She says the loss of her child made her realise how African culture fastens grief and does not allow people to process it on their own time. As a result, she wanted validation and to be told that it was okay to feel the way she did.