Lawyer Kipkorir recounts mom’s last moments as he marks first anniversary of her demise

By , K24 Digital
On Mon, 27 May, 2024 11:08 | 2 mins read
Lawyer Donald Kipkorir. PHOTO/Facebook
Lawyer Donald Kipkorir. PHOTO/Facebook

Flamboyant city lawyer Donald Kipkorir has shared his mother's last moments as he marked the first anniversary of her passing.

Donald Kipkorir in a statement via his official social media accounts recounted how his mother died while they were on their way back to Kenya after seeking treatment abroad.


He said his mother died in Doha, Qatar when they were coming back to Kenya from Delhi, India, where they had gone for palliative care for her stage 4 cancer.

"TODAY, May 27 last year, my Beloved Mama Katarina passed away in Doha, Qatar. We were on our way back from Delhi, India for palliative care for her Stage 4 cancer. Today is ONE YEAR MEMORIAL ANNIVERSARY," Donald Kipkorir posted.

Remembrance messages

The lawyer also shared various messages in remembrance of his mother.

"In remembrance of my mother's eternal light and love," one of the messages reads.

"Mum, those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and forever dear," another message read.

Donald Kipkorir's mother died on May 17, 2023, after battling cancer. The lawyer announced the death of his mother through a post on X.

"My mum fought her aggressive cancer with Stoicism, Fidelity to God & Courage. She never once cried in her searing pain. I thank God for giving her to me. In the heavens, she finds peace & serenity," Donald Kipkorir wrote.

Donald Kipkorir's mother. PHOTO/@DonaldBKipkorir/X.

At the time, he dedicated a poem written by an English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge to her late mother.

The lawyer was so close to his mother when she was alive such that he could walk her to the best hospitals to try and help her beat cancer.

Prior to her passing, Donald Kipkorir had on May 19, 2023, announced that he was heading to India with her mother to seek better medical treatment.

In Kenya, the lawyer used to take his mother to the country's leading hospitals, and booked appointments with top private medics.

In February 2022, he took his mother see Doctor Gladwell Kiarie, a top oncologist at the Nairobi Hospital.

"Today, I spent the day with my family as we took my Beloved Mama Katarina, to see Dr. Gladwell Kiarie, a top Oncologist at the Nairobi Hospital … My mother is stoic .. And praying for miracle of full healing & recovery," he said.

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