Tyler Perry apologizes for not meeting Ruto at his studios, promises to visit Kenya

By , K24 Digital
On Wed, 22 May, 2024 21:06 | 2 mins read
President William Ruto and his delegation visited Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. PHOTOs/tylerperry/Instagram
President William Ruto and his delegation visited Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. PHOTOs/tylerperry/Instagram

American film mogul Tyler Perry has apologised for the scheduling mishap on his part that denied him the chance to meet President William Ruto and his delegation during their visit to Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

Taking to his social media pages, Perry expressed his regret over the missed opportunity, citing a packed schedule as the reason for his absence.

"Unfortunately, my schedule was booked and I’m heartbroken that I couldn’t move things around in time to be there to greet President Ruto of Kenya as he and his family and delegation toured Tyler Perry Studios," Perry stated.

Perry also announced the prospect of visiting Kenya shortly to make up for the missed encounter.

"The good news is that means I will have to make my way to Kenya very soon!" he added.

Perry also expressed his gratitude for President Ruto’s visit to his studios and thanked celebrated TV host Steve Harvey for stepping in during the tour.

"I am honoured, humbled, and thankful that you stopped by President Ruto. Thank you @iamsteveharveytv for stepping in. What a blessing," The film mogul expressed.

President Ruto is currently on the third day of his state visit to the United States.

His visit to the United States includes various engagements aimed at strengthening ties between Kenya and the U.S.

Ruto is in awe of Tyler Perry Studios

After visiting Tyler Perry Studio, Ruto, accompanied by First Lady Rachel Ruto, various government officials, and comedian Eddie Butita, couldn't conceal his excitement.

While sharing a lighthearted moment with Butita, Ruto inquired about the possibility of Kenya establishing a large production studio similar to Tyler Perry's.

President William Ruto and his delegation at the Taylor Perry Studios on Tuesday, May 21, 2023. PHOTO/@WilliamsRuto/X
President William Ruto and his delegation at the Taylor Perry Studios on Tuesday, May 21, 2023. PHOTO/@WilliamsRuto/X

“Uko area, sasa tutatengeneza studio kubwa ka hii huko Kenya lini?” he asked the comedian.

“Itabidi soon in the next one or two years,” he replied.

Ruto to meet Biden

President Ruto, along with Mama Rachel Ruto, landed at Andrews Air Force Base on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, ahead of his meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden.

They were warmly greeted by U.S. First Lady Jill Biden at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, which is about 33 km from Washington, D.C.

The visit includes a series of high-level meetings between President Ruto and his counterpart Biden, focusing on enhancing collaboration in trade, investment, security, and education.

The Head of State is also scheduled to meet with a congressional delegation and hold discussions at Capitol Hill, the U.S. legislative house equivalent to a parliament.

On Thursday, President Ruto and Rachel will pay their respects by laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery, honouring fallen American soldiers and other notable figures.

Additionally, they will have a bilateral meeting with President Joe Biden to discuss development opportunities.

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