‘I’ve never been broke in my life, I don’t know how that feels’ – Frankie Just Gym It

By , K24 Digital
On Sun, 10 Dec, 2023 16:31 | 2 mins read
Kenyan fitness trainer Frankie Just Gym It. PHOTO/Frankie(@frankie_justgymit)/Instagram
Kenyan fitness trainer Frankie Just Gym It. PHOTO/Frankie(@frankie_justgymit)/Instagram

Kenyan fitness enthusiast Frank Kiarie alias Frankie Just Gym It has revealed that he has never had financial constraints.

In a sit down with Financially Incorrect podcast, the father disclosed that he comes from a well of family and has never struggled financially.

"I come from a well of family, I have never struggled financially," Frankie bragged.

Prefacing with a disclaimer that he was not boasting about his financial prosperity, he noted that he had never had financial hardship and was not even familiar with the feeling of being broke.

"I have never really struggled; I have never been broke in my life. I don't even know how that feels, and that's not even a flex, I'm just saying," he added.

The father of four also revealed that he sends his children monthly child support on time noting that they are his priority.

"When money comes in, I send some to Maureen and some to Corazon for the kids. I have employees, pay them and see what I want after all is settled," he openly shared during the podcast.

Frankie opens fitness centre

He recently opened his fitness centre.

Taking to her Instagram stories, Maureen Waititu expressed her pride and support for Frankie's latest business endeavour.

"Congratulations FrankieJustGymlt! So proud of your hard work and efforts as you open your physical fitness centre. You're all invited to join him tomorrow as per the poster," she wrote

In a playful remark, she teased Frankie about the possibility of him raising child support.

"Sasa, child support itaongezeka amale?"

In a past interview, Maureen shared insights into their transformed relationship, emphasizing their commitment to co-parenting and prioritizing their children's well-being.

"It's good. It's very new to us. We recently started co-parenting, and I don't know whether it is my place to say it is. We have been very careful not to make it about us, so we have been out there talking about it, but yes, we are co-parenting," Maureen noted.

Maureen expressed her happiness at the positive impact this change has had on their children's lives.

"The kids are happy to have their dad. I'm happy to see them with their dad, and the worst is behind."

Maureen and Frankie parted ways about five years ago in a highly publicized split that led to Maureen battling depression and suicidal thoughts.

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