Dora Obwaka gives hope to individuals struggling with substance use disorder

By , K24 Digital
On Fri, 24 May, 2024 16:08 | 2 mins read
Influencer Dora Obwaka. PHOTO/ (@doraobwaka)/ Instagram
Influencer Dora Obwaka. PHOTO/ (@doraobwaka)/ Instagram

Social media influencer Dora Obwaka has recently revealed that her life is a testimony from death to life.

As seen on her Instagram, Dora shared a video compilation showing the transformation of her life over the years. The initial photos as seen represent two extreme facets of her life looking very frail and disturbed.

She is seen with dreadlocked hair, seems darker, has injury patches on part of her face and appears tipsy in her first picture.

Influencer Dora Obwaka. PHOTO/ (@doraobwaka)/ Instagram

Through her Instagram, Dora keeps inspiring her followers through her testimony after battling addiction.

Battling addiction

In past interviews, Dora stated that her story began way back in 2016 while still battling drug addiction and struggling to rise from the chains of drinking and smoking slavery.

However, Dora's most recent pictures depict a transformation to a young vibrant woman, showing her glowing, lighter, and sporting brilliant hairstyles.

She is seen doing talks on various platforms as a reassurance of gaining back her life in full.

Dora in her caption, states that her life remains a testimony seeing that she was at the brink of death. She added that her story was to give hope to those struggling with addiction and their family members who might have lost hope.

“This is my testimony, from death to life! It is Jesus who takes one on the brink of death and sets him/her up for His glory! He can do above all we could ever ask to think or imagine and just in case you have lost hope that you or a loved one can be free from the chain of addiction,” Dora stated.

Why Jesus girl

The born-again Christian revealed that by bowing down to her faith, she got restored and the same can happen to anyone dealing with hopelessness, fear and disease.

“I am here to remind you that at the mention of the name of Jesus everything bows! Addiction, sickness and disease, hopelessness, fear they stand no chance! He gave His life up so that we may have life and have it more abundantly,” Dora said.

In December 2019, Dora won her battle with addiction, earning the new name Jesus Girl. This is the name she is known with, especially by her followers and people interested in her stories of overcoming drug addiction.

As a result of her rehabilitation and burying her past drug experiences, Dora claims that her name represents the values she now adheres to. 

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