Man fined Ksh80k for breaking into w***n’s home, s******g her panties

By , K24 Digital
On Sat, 25 Dec, 2021 09:36 | < 1 min read
A police officer accused of killing Wycliffe Owour, one of the suspects in the Ksh72 million Nairobi West ATM heist in 2019, has been charged with murder.

A man has been sentenced to one-year imprisonment with an option of a fine of Ksh80,000 after he was found guilty of stealing a woman's underwear by a Meru court.

According to court papers, Pius Mugendi broke into Juliet Mawia's, the complaint, former place of residence and stole six inner pants worth Ksh1500.

During her presentation, Mawia told the court that she noticed that one of her panties had fallen from the hanging line to her window at around 3:00 am.

The incident prompted her to wake her husband who escorted her to check the CCTV surveillance footage. They noticed that an unknown person had intruded into their compound.

"On checking the CCTV footage, we noticed that someone was picking my inner wears as he tried to evade the CCTV cameras," she said.

Following the evidence brought before the court, the court's magistrate found that the prosecution had proven their case and Mudendi was guilty of the offence.

The accused, however, denied stealing the underwear on May 28, 2020, at Mikimbi Village, Embu County.

He told the court that he did not commit the crime and that his accusers might have mistaken him with someone else.

"I have a wife and children, I pray for leniency from the court," Mugendi pleased with the court.

Embu Senior Resident Magistrate Juliana Ndeng'eni ruled that the court has considered his mitigations but fined him Ksh80,000 for the annoying behaviour.

"Though he seems remorseful for his act, he engaged in disrespectful and annoying deed and the court has fined him Ksh80,000 or serve one-year imprisonment," the magistrate ruled.