Isaac Mwaura recalls horrifying boat experience in Lake Victoria when visiting would-be in-laws

By , K24 Digital
On Sat, 25 May, 2024 21:48 | 2 mins read
Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura in Kisumu.
Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura in Kisumu. PHOTO/@MwauraIsaac1/X

Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura has recalled an experience he faced on Lake Victoria in 2011.

Mwaura said he was accompanied by the current Kiharu Member of Parliament, Ndindi Nyoro, and during the trip, they decided to experience travelling across Lake Victoria in a boat.

"I almost married a Jaber from Kano Tek to Tar in the year 2011. We visited our would-be in-laws at Wii Pinje, accompanied by Ndindi Nyoro and Martin Mbau," Mwaura recalled.

In the middle of the trip, the boat operator demanded that Mwaura and his colleague increase the money or else he would leave them in the middle of the lake, something that horrified Nyoro.

"During our three-day stay, we decided to have an adventure in the lake, and we visited the famous Dunga beach for a boat ride. We found a boat labelled Odeng Nyasore, which looked to be in the charcoal smuggling business from Uganda, through the lake. The boat operator agreed to take us for a ride, and he indeed took us for a ride.

"After a very nice trip to the middle of the lake, where we could not see either of the shores, he demanded that we give him more money or he leave us in the middle of the lake.

"My friend Ndindi was so shocked; I know he could not swim, and even anyone who could swim couldn't have made it from the middle of the lake to the shores. We were all shaking, and we now had to desperately negotiate to save our lives, as imaginations of helplessly drowning in water rose through our minds," he added.


The former nominated senator, however, said they devised a way to trick the boat operator, and upon arriving on the shores of the lake, they did not pay the extra money as promised.

"We managed to convince him that we would pay him when we docked at the shores, for we had left our bags over there. We breathed a sigh of relief when we saw dry land again and told the boat operator to go away without adding him any penny. How could we pay after that whole harassment? I later came to know he may have been high on 'Nyasore', which I later learned is the Luo term for cannabis," he added.

Mwaura said that after the trip, they came back to Nairobi.

"This torturous experience convinced my team of negotiators that we had to immediately go back to Nairobi, and that marked the beginning of the end of that relationship," he stated.

Mwaura recalled the experience while in Kano village, which is set to host the homecoming of Senator Fred Outa. The former Kisumu County senator has been appointed as Kenya's ambassador to Egypt, Jordan, and Jordan.

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