‘Kenya’s problem is not tribalism’ – MP Caleb Amisi advises voters for 2027 polls

By , K24 Digital
On Sat, 18 May, 2024 17:07 | 2 mins read
Saboti MP Caleb Amisi
Saboti MP Caleb Amisi. PHOTO/@Honcalebamisi/X

Saboti Member of Parliament (MP) Caleb Amisi has advised Kenyan voters against tribalism and urged them to be wiser in their decision-making during the 2027 elections.

Warning against tribal profiling, the legislator said none of the tribes in the country were a problem for the nation.

To the legislator, a major problem facing Kenya is a system he described as a cabal of kleptomaniacs who have hijacked the state for its own benefit.

"Dear Kenyans, the problem in Kenya is not Kikuyus, don't be mistaken to hate our brothers and sisters. There are Kikuyus languishing in poverty despite (Jomo) Kenyatta, (Mwai) Kibaki, and Uhuru (Kenyatta) dominance.

"There are Kalenjins in severe death-threatening poverty despite 24 years of (Daniel Arap) Moi and 20 years of Ruto dominance. The problem of Kenya is a cabal of kleptomaniacs controlling key factors of production and every major tender of the government," Amisi said in a social media post on his X handle.

Extending his criticism of President William Ruto, Amisi said the Head of State is the leader of the cabals and warned the electorate against choosing the same leaders who will ride on tribal convictions in the next electioneering period.

"Ruto is in high gear to be the leader of this cabal. In 2027, you will be stupid to choose from this same cabal selling a tribal message and convoluted narratives and expect change in Kenya," the opposition-allied MP said.

Amisi's hope on Kenyans

Amisi is however hopeful that Kenyans can elect a new set of leaders, as he insists that the country needs a renaissance against what he calls the old system.

"2027 shall be a war of real Kenyans against the cabal system of 60 years. Yes, it has happened before in other jurisdictions. Kenya needs a Renaissance!" he concluded.

Amisi's latest tirade against the current government and its top officials comes after he claimed that the Ruto-Rigathi Gachagua bromance is not good for the country.

"This Ruto and Gachagua bromance will destroy Kenya. They took over power to make money out of public coffers and not to lead a nation to prosperity.

"Whenever their budgets and respective tenders don't come through, they stop talking to each other, but when they align, friendship and weekend rallies begin, and it will go on this way until 2027. You cannot build a nation with such characters as leaders. I cry for my nation. Kenya needs a Renaissance," Amisi said in his earlier assertion.

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