Bobi Wine reacts to court awarding mother of slain teenage Ksh1.96M compensation

By , K24 Digital
On Wed, 27 Sep, 2023 22:07 | 2 mins read
Bobi Wine reacts to court awarding mother of slain teenage Ksh1.96M compensation
Ugandan pop star and opposition leader Bobi Wine. PHOTO/X(@HEBobiwine)

Ugandan opposition leader Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine called out President Yoweri Museveni's administration after the Kampala High Court awarded the mother of slain teenager 50 million Ugandan shilling( roughly Ksh1,968,281) in compensation.

Reports by Ugandan news outlets indicated that the 15-year-old boy was shot dead in November 2020 when police officers used live bullets to scatter the crowd during Bobi's campaign rally in Luuka district, Uganda.

The politician who at the time was a presidential candidate was arrested shortly after.

In the ruling, the judge held the government accountable for its actions and declared the death as unlawful and an arbitrary deprivation of the right to life.

According to Bobi Wine, the ruling confirms Museveni's brutality.

"The High Court in Kampala ruled in favour of Hajara Nakitto, whose son, Ssegawa Amos was murdered in cold blood by regime operatives during the November 2020 protests. Amos was only 15 years of age at the time of his extrajudicial killing. Regime operatives went on a rampage, killing over 150 innocent citizens," Bobi Wine wrote on his official X account.


"Shamelessly, Museveni came out and praised his ‘commandos’ for a job well done! He would later claim that more than half of those who died were killed by stray bullets and promised that they would receive ‘compensation’. Unsurprisingly, it turned out to be another lie and false promise! To date, there has been nothing – except attempts to silence a few of the victims who were vocal."

Bobi claimed it remains uncertain whether the lady will receive the money.

"I want to salute Hajara for her relentless fight for justice for her son. Although the 50 million shillings awarded to her are too small compared to the life lost and the expectations she had for her son, at least it has gone on record that the Museveni regime illegally murdered her son. Of course, it’s not even clear if the money will ever be paid to her," part of his write-up read.

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