The end: Over 25 drops final episode on YouTube

By , K24 Digital
On Mon, 8 May, 2023 15:08 | 2 mins read
The end: Over 25 drops final episode on YouTube
Over 25 cast members; Jules, Ivy, Shiku and Lorna Gatabaki. PHOTO/INSTAGRAM

It’s time to say goodbye to “Over 25,” it’s over!

After nearly seven years on YouTube, the all-female cast talk show wrapped up with an emotional send-off from the quadruple – Julia Waithera alias Jules, Ivy Mugo (Just Ivy), Michelle Wanjiku(Shikie), and Lorna Gatabaki(Lornzie).

The finale episode premiered on Monday May 8, 2023 as a “bittersweet moment” for both the cast and their 157K subscribers.

In their last episode, the four sat separately and reminisced about the impact the show had on their personal lives and career with most being positive. They also expressed gratitude to their loyal fans, and guest hosts over the years.

The group was known for offering perspectives from diverse women and aiming at a young adult audience.

Throughout the six and a half years of content creation, “Over 25” did no adjustment to its cast, however, the group added a sleuth of temporary guest hosts depending on the topic.

The YouTubers had become a household name with their raunchy, risqué and viral sensational topics. Their unorthodox approach to sex topics and unconventional relationships resonated with the current generation of 'over 25' women who sought to break out of the 'traditional feminine archetype'.

Over 25 cast members; Jules, Ivy, Shiku and Lorna Gatabaki.

Over 25 Youtube channel sampled and layered many voices of women wanting to live the fantasy outside of what is expected of them and so much more around the modern woman.

The group began content creation in 2016. They all met in school (Highschool and University specifically USIU) and have been close friends ever since.

In November 2021, the group held their first-ever live recording.

"Is this the end? We cannot say for sure. Will we be coming back? Possibly. Just not right now," part of their last message to fans read.

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