Nasra Yusuf slams Shakilla for claiming that women ‘expire’ at 28

By , K24 Digital
On Sun, 27 Aug, 2023 09:35 | 2 mins read
Kenyan comedian Nasra Yusuf onlooking socialite Shakila. PHOTO/Nasra & Shakila(@nasrayusuff & @iam.shakila)/Instagram
Kenyan comedian Nasra Yusuf onlooking socialite Shakila. PHOTO/Nasra & Shakila(@nasrayusuff & @iam.shakila)/Instagram

Kenyan comedian Nasra Yusuf has voiced her disapproval of remarks made by socialite Shakilla regarding women's age and their societal worth.

Nasra took to her Instagram stories to express her views on the matter, challenging the notion that women "expire" by the age of 28.

The comedian criticized Shakilla's assertion that women are "done" by their late twenties, implying that their value diminishes after reaching a certain age.

She went on to suggest that the idea of women expiring by 28 only holds true for those who leverage their femininity and bodies for success.

"Nimeskia mahali ati "a woman by 28 and 3o you're done no matter what you're doing" weuh..ati by hii age mtumie opportunities mnapata kujijenga 4.44, I think this only applies to women that use their femininity and their bodies to make it in life," she asserted

Nasra further elaborated on her perspective, stating that the belief doesn't apply universally to all women.

She argued that those who rely solely on their sex appeal might struggle to maintain their allure compared to younger individuals.

"Because if you're using your femininity, it's true that by 3o, hauwezi keep up na mtu wa 19, 20 kuget mwanaume," she wrote.

To support her argument, Nasra highlighted the examples of prominent women who are well past the age of 28 and continue to thrive.

She mentioned iconic figures like Beyoncé, who is 41 years old, Rihanna at 35, and Oprah Winfrey, who is 69. Nasra pointed out that these women are ageing gracefully.

"Beyonce is 4i, Is she done??? Rihanna Is 35, Is she done??? Oprah Winfrey is 69, Is she done?? They may not be as energetic as they were before but they're certainly not done! Let's stop misleading women and giving them unnecessary pressure!! Mimi hao nimelist hapo wakikuja Leo waseme as a woman by 3o you're done,I swear I will listen to them and I will consider myself a failure. But not people that have nothing more to offer than sex appeal," she said.

"Next time mkiadvice watu,just be specific,stop communicating with all women when the msg is for a selected few Weuh msitupee stress na sisi hatuna wanaume wa kufund lifestyle yetu jameni," she concluded.

This comes barely days after Shakila advised socialite Vera Sidika to retire from the streets to take care of her kids.

According to Shakila, Vera is too old to be competing with youngins like her citing that her 'time' was up.

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