JOB SEEKER’S RANT: How I was b*****d in a job interview

By , K24 Digital
On Fri, 2 Oct, 2020 12:30 | 2 mins read
Job Interview
A model. PHOTO | K24 DIGITAL
A model. PHOTO | K24 DIGITAL

Job seekers go through a lot in interviews. Sometimes they have take-home lessons from their interactions with potential employers. However, there are occasions they caught off guard by oftentimes strange questions or unusual behaviours of interviewers. This column is dedicated to job seekers to share their bizarre experiences.

This was a reputable company, a multinational to be precise. This was the first time I was invited for an interview.

I am a confident job seeker. The job advert described me and I felt the job was mine. Being an excellent communicator, I was sure I was going to drive express myself well. They had no choice but to hire me. If they decided not to, I would still leave a mark.

I have never been that confident and calm. So I got called in.

The panel was made of three and the questions I was asked were not meant to be answered. There was a question coming in before I could finish answering the previous one. I found this strange. At some point, I could sense that one of the panelists was making fun of my confusion.

There were those questions that I thought could give me an edge but I wasn't being given a chance to finish answering. Some of the panelists even tried to finish my sentences to cut me short.

I got so frustrated and stopped talking towards the end of the interview. I thought they would be sensitive enough to want to repeat the question to give me time to answer but they went into the next questions.

Is this normal? Was this a real interview? Had they identified the right candidate and was I just a waste of their time? Could they have just given me a regret letter?

Is this how multinationals interview? Was this professionalism at all?

As you may guess, I did not get the job. For some reason, passing through the supermarket stall with this company’s products still reminds me of this horrible experience.

What’s your bizarre job search experience? Please share on the [email protected] and let us know if you may want your identity disclosed.