10 world’s most spoken languages in 2024

By and , K24 Digital
On Wed, 13 Mar, 2024 06:00 | 4 mins read
Different languages. PHOTO/Geeksforgeeks
Different languages. PHOTO/Geeksforgeeks

Although there are currently more than 7,000 languages in the world, more than half of the world’s population speaks only 23 of them.

Kiswahili speakers are estimated at 200 million, but whether it’s the melodic tones of Spanish, the rich intricacies of Mandarin, or the rhythmic cadence of English, mastering these top tongues will open doors to new cultures and opportunities

1. English

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re among the 370 million native English speakers or part of region who speak it as a second language. Worldwide English is used as a primary language in business, education, travel, and international relations. It’s spoken by 1.4 billion people.

Many people find English easier to learn than other languages like Mandarin. It’s influenced by American culture and is often seen as a language of opportunity. English is not just a language, but for some people, this language works as an opportunity for a better career. Considering Native language as primary and English as secondary language, a person fluent in both can communicate with one in every three internet users and access over 60 per cent of the content available online.

2. Mandarin

Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more than 1.1 billion people, which makes it one of the most spoken languages in the world. Because of China’s large population, Mandarin is number one language by native speakers (around 929 million). Mandarin is a key part of the Chinese language family.

Even though there are different dialects, most Mandarin speakers can understand each other. Learning Mandarin can be difficult for many people because of its tones and characters. But because of China’s growing role in the world, many people are interested to learn this language. As China is rapidly growing in global significance, Mandarin’s importance in international business and cultural exchange is also increasing with time.

3. Hindi

Hindi is spoken by over 602 million people worldwide. Hindi is one of the main languages in India. In India alone, this is first language of around 343.9 million people. India is known for its incredible linguistic diversity with more than 121 languages, still, Hindi holds the position of Primary language in this country.

This language is not just spoken in India, but its neighbour countries such as Nepal actively use Hindi. Having knowledge of Hindi language can be incredibly useful for travel and communication across the Indian subcontinent. As India is a fast growing country, people around the globe also interested to learn Hindi.

4. Spanish

Spanish is spoken by over 548 million people, which makes it the second most spoken Native language in the world. This language is mostly used in South and Central America and Spain also widely spoken in some parts of United States.

Spanish is also third most popular Language on the internet. Spanish is the primary language in 21 countries and few countries use this as secondary language. Just like Hindi, Spanish is rich in culture and history. Learning Spanish can help people connect many parts of the world and understand different cultures.

5. French

French is spoken by more than 274 million people globally. This language not limited to France, but also used in 29 countries worldwide. Around 79.9 million people speak French as their first language, also many places it’s spoken as secondly language like many African countries, some parts of Canada.

French is known for its impact on the arts, fashion, and cuisine. Large number of non-native speakers makes this language as unique. It’s also an important language in international diplomacy.

6. Arabic

Arabic, spoken by a vast community of over 274 million people, holds a significant presence, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. Renowned for its diverse range of dialects, Arabic plays a crucial role in Islamic culture and religion.

Its linguistic variations reflect the rich tapestry of cultures within the Arab world. This language, with its historical and religious importance, serves as a unifying thread across nations, contributing to the cultural identity of the regions it encompasses.

7. Bengali

Bengali is spoken by over 273 million people worldwide. It serves as the primary language in Bangladesh and various parts of India. This language is not only rich in literature and cultural heritage but also plays a significant role in shaping South Asian arts and media.

With its widespread use and cultural influence, Bengali stands as a vital linguistic thread connecting diverse communities and contributing to the vibrant tapestry of South Asian heritage.

8. Russian

Russian, spoken by approximately 258 million people, serves as the primary language in Russia and certain parts of Eastern Europe. Renowned for its significant literary contributions, Russian has played a pivotal role in the realms of international diplomacy and space science.

The language has been instrumental in fostering cultural exchange and cooperation, and it stands as a testament to Russia’s rich heritage and global influence, extending its reach beyond geographical borders into the vast expanse of space exploration.

9. Portuguese

With over 258 million speakers globally, Portuguese holds the status of an official language in countries such as Brazil, Portugal, and several African nations. Its influence extends beyond linguistic boundaries, making a mark in the realms of music, literature, and sports.

The language’s significance is on the rise in the global landscape, particularly in the domains of business and tourism, as more people recognise its cultural richness and contribution to various fields.

10. Urdu

Urdu, spoken by approximately 231 million people, holds significant influence in both Pakistan and India. Sharing linguistic roots with Hindi, it forms a vital part of the cultural fabric of the Indian subcontinent.

Renowned for its rich poetry and deep cultural traditions, Urdu has a profound impact on literature and artistic expressions. The language serves as a bridge, connecting communities and fostering a shared heritage through its eloquent and expressive nature.

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