Jimal undergoes weight loss procedure in Turkey

By , K24 Digital
On Tue, 3 Oct, 2023 11:09 | 2 mins read
Jimal undergoes weight loss procedure in Turkey
Businessman Jimal Marlow Rohosafi. PHOTO/Jimal(@jimal_rohosafi)/Instagram

Just days after Kenyan businessman Jimal Marlow Rohosafi underwent a hair transplant in Turkey he has taken yet another procedure.

In an update on his social media, Jimal revealed to have joined the growing list of Kenyan celebrities who have undergone gastric bypass surgery- a non-invasive weight loss procedure.

The matatu boss uploaded a snippet of the process where a plastic tube is seen being pushed down his throat simply captioned; "Gastric balloon."

What is gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass is a weight-loss surgery that changes how your stomach and small intestines handle food.

It is a surgical process used to create a small pouch at the top of the stomach leaving out a much larger part.

The pouch is then connected to your small intestine, missing out (bypassing) the rest of the stomach.

This means it takes less food to make you feel full.

Jimal's hair transplant

A week ago, the entrepreneur revealed that he had undergone a hair transplant procedure to regain a fuller head of hair.

He revealed that he was preparing for his second hair transplant session and emphasized that it would be his last.

He assured his followers that he would share before and after pictures of the transformation.

"A lot of people don't understand hair transplant; I get a lot of DMs from all over. A hair transplant is the removal of your hair from your body to an area of your preference... mine was removed from the backside of my head where there was a lot of it to my forehead. In a few days, the part that was removed will grow again automatically (it's not that painful)," he wrote.

Kenyan businessman Jimal Marlow Rohosafi. PHOTO/Jimal(@jimal_rohosafi)/Instagram
Kenyan businessman Jimal Marlow Rohosafi.

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